
Energy Medicine

Accunect is a potent combination of osteopathic techniques, acupuncture theory, cognitive psychology, western medicine, and quantum theory.

The HealthMap below allows Isaac to use muscle checking to find areas of your body and mind that could function in better balance.

Once these disconnected areas have been identified, Isaac will lightly tap either on or off the body to “wake up” the brain and the heart to have a fresh look at restoring balance to these areas.


  • Everyone!

    People of all ages, animals, plants. If the individual is ready to change, Accunect can help it do so.

  • We work at the body's own pace, allowing it bring up stored stress in it's own way. People's body's usually LOVE this as there is no pressure to force a certain result, you can simply unwind and process in you own way.

    3-4 sessions is a great way to make lasting changes in an ongoing issue.

  • In my experience, Contact C.A.R.E is able to get to the root of most conditions as it releases the bulk of the physical trauma.

    Accunect is the perfect way to speed up and integrate the changes throughout the body after your Contact C.A.R.E session.

    If you cannot see me in person, Accunect is the way to go

  • Absolutely!

    If you cannot see me in person, we can organise a video call, phone call, or I can do the session and email you a detailed description of what I found and brought into balance.

    The results are just as effective at a distance.

  • A profound yes!

    Just as it can help better restore communication and synchronisation within a single body, Accunect can bring balance and noticeable improvements amongst bodies of people.

  • An Accunect agenda is a small energy session that can be done in anticipation of a future event:

    Stressful meeting coming up?

    Need to bring your A game to a big performance?

    Unable to sit exams cause your brain keeps switcing off?

    Together, we can set and forget subconcious processes that will kick in before your big event and keep you cool, calm, and collected throughout the entire thing.